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A Brief Guide For Installing A Home Lift

Installing a lift in your house is an excellent idea if your property is spread over several floors. If you have elders or disabled individuals in the house who have difficulty in climbing up the stairs, installing a home lift is a wise idea. In a developed country such as Thailand, there are a number of different companies that offer home lift installation services. If you want to install a new lift in your house, it’s recommended that you first do a bit of research and find out a bit about the local companies that offer home lift installation services. Here is a brief guide for installing a lift in your house.

Talk to a Local Home Lift Provider

The first thing that you need to do is to get in touch with a local company that offers home lift installation services. If you want a home lift in Thailand, you need to first get in touch with a reliable company. When you first visit their showroom, they are going to show you a variety of models and give you an idea about the pricing. You will need a ballpark figure so that you can make a decision about whether you should install the lift or not. However, it’s important to note that the price quoted so far is just for the lift itself.


The next step is to set an appointment with the home lift provider. They are going to visit your property and inspect the place in person to determine where the lift can be installed and how much it’s going to cost you. The mechanism for the lift will need to be installed properly and the costs vary depending upon the placement. If there is a vent or a duct in your house, the costs will reduce significantly. However, if a duct needs to be made, it’s going to cost you more money. They will need to create a duct in the house and structural engineers will need to be hired for the duct.


Once the initial inspections have been completed and the plans have been drawn for installing the home lift, the company will give you a timeline and explain to you the changes that will be made. In some cases, you might have to vacate parts of the property while the work is going on.

Keep in mind that new lifts come with a warranty of several years so if something goes wrong, you can just get in touch with the company and they are going to fix the problem for you. Before you hire any company for installing the home lift, it is important that you negotiate with them and get the price down as much as possible. In some cases, you might be able to pay on a deferred basis so you won’t have to pay the full amount up front. These are just a few things that you should know about installing a home lift.

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