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The 10 Worst Things That Damage Your Car

There are many factors or behaviors that can damage an automobile, or contribute to the premature wear of your vehicle. Here are 10 of the worst things that damage your self.


The harsh winter of northern countries such as Canada can cause serious problems in some areas most affected by cold and snow. It is important to inspect your car before winter, and plug in your car in very cold weather car cover


The use of antirust by a professional can contribute to the longevity of a vehicle.


The use of the “two water bucket technique” to the detriment of the casing is suggested, as well as the use of a mild, neutral pH soap. 

Manual mishandling

Although a manual car has some advantages, it is more prone to breakage in neophyte drivers. It is important to develop the right technique (neutral in traffic jams, speed changes at the right time, etc.) to avoid breakage at the gearbox or transmission.

Neglecting the interview

It is important to follow the instructions for your type of vehicle, especially regarding oil changes.

Ignore the anomaly indicators

Ignoring the fault indicators, especially if the engine warning light is flashing, should be avoided. The onboard computer analyzes several factors and sends messages by the witnesses. 

Repair of fortune

A makeshift repair by you or a family member can be a short-term decision that damages your vehicle in the long run. The use of lower quality parts also.


The famous potholes on the road do not forgive your suspension. 

Frequent mini-distances

Overload the vehicle

Overloading a vehicle can lead to a major breakage. Make sure your car can hold or support the loads to be transported. 

20 questions to ask before buying a vehicle

You need a new car? What an important purchase! Here are 20 questions to ask, to help you make the best decision and choose the right vehicle for you. Ready?

What is my real budget?

It’s not just the price of the vehicle – and the payments that flow from it – that affect your car budget. Did you know that the cost of owning and using a car can reach thousands of dollars a year? If you opt for a used car, think of all the unexpected repairs in addition to regular maintenance. With your budget in mind, you will make a better choice that will not take you by the throat.

What are my needs now … and in five years?

Why do you need a car? What use will you make of it? From the long road or the city? After this reflection, you must ask yourself if your needs are likely to change in the coming years because of a job change, a baby, a teenager who wants to use it, etc.Thus, you will know if you should opt for a used or new car and, in the latter case, whether you have to rent or buy.

What is the fuel consumption of the vehicle?

Gas is a very important expense related to the purchase of your vehicle. Depending on how you use your vehicle (in the city, long distances, or both!), Fuel consumption will have an impact. Take the time to analyze this data that you can also find on most car dealership sites.

What are the equivalent or similar models?

Of course, this question is not for the car dealer who will not recommend a car of another make. But you can ask it if you are shopping for a used car in a complex selling used cars. Also, you can do the job yourself and refer to different sites that can give you this info and even comparative tables:, Consumer Reports (in English) or

What are the possible financing methods?

Rent or buy? Check the “for” and “against” rental and purchase. Then, find out about the types of financing available at the merchant or at your financial institution (on your mortgage margin, for example!). 

What accessories can you offer me?

Once the negotiation is well underway and when you do not see any more margin to lower the price, use a new tactic: ask to add accessories or features … without the price moves!Be cunning and take note of those little extras you would like to have by browsing the manufacturer’s website for new bargaining weapons. This can be the addition of winter mats, trunk protection, tinted windows, etc.

Is it possible to benefit from double discounts?

Dare to ask … the worst that can happen is to be told “no”. If the funding is 0%, maybe you can still benefit from another advertised discount (like a student discount, for example)? Ask instead to assume that you will be denied. 

How much do you give me for my old car?

Keep this card – this question! – for the end! In fact, do not start the negotiations by telling them that you do not want to sell your vehicle yourself. Wait until the end to release this card which will save you money and also time! However, the price you offer dealers is often lower than what you could have if you sell it yourself.

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