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The Best New Kids Movies To Watch In Quarantine

During quarantine,its good for kids to stay busy, and what better way than watching and following a good movie. Kids have always loved cartoons, and studies find that it can actually be good for your child’s development, especially at a young age. Watching an animation or movie can help them learn and grow, just from what they see on television. Animation has actually developed over the years and starting with a large corporation like Disney. Things are only getting better and brighter. Cartoons started out in black and white, and now there in vibrant colors. What started largely in the ’90s has only progressed; movies and animation can keep kids informed and up to date on whats going on in the rest of the world.

Kids love animation, not only animation but movies as well. It’s their way of discovering something new and learning at the same time. A movie or cartoon can be very interactive for kids. They get to learn and watch all the vibrant colors, and people come to life on a t.v. Screen. They love it because lots of the time, it helps them discover their passion. For example, ” Mom I saw this today of T.V., and that’s what I want to be when I grow up,” kids say this all the time to there parents. 

There are lots of good movies out there in aha videos, and the best two to watch during quarantine would be, “Mighty Raju Ka Mighty attack” and” Mighty Raju Ice Ice Mighty.”

Mighty Raju Ka Mighty attack: is about a dynasty and Pharoah’s trying to take over the world. Mighty Raju is trying to stop them with his powers and his intellect. He knows people in other places in the world. Mighty. The whole movie is about something bad trying to take over the world, and Raju stops them. Mighty Raju saves a lady falling from a cliff. Originally the cartoon is in Japanese, because it comes from Japan, but can be translated into English. Mighty Raju Ka Mighty attack is a good take on the present day. Something is trying to take over and then a hero saving us from everything and its devastation. I highly recommend watching it. It will be great for your kids.

The second movie, Mighty Raju ice Mighty, is stationed in Antarctica. It’s about Raju going to the Arctic with his family and seeing a new place and meeting new people. While in Antarctica, he discovers a whole other world and makes more friends. Since Raju is a kid, they play music and go out to the arctic in the ice and observe everything. They document the temperature of the ice and check the weather to see how cold it is. They dig a hole and discover that there’s a monster trying to take over the northern region of Antarctica. Raju gets help from the General, and he flys through the sky to stop the monster.

Both movies are very positive and great shows. They will help your kids, learn, discover, and grow. Nowadays, many are watching animated movies online during a pandemic.

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