When the main area of concern is related with web design, WordPress can be defined as an inseparable part of the web development field. However, there are some latest updates, which are on the run, when the main aim is related with WordPress.
The next update can be defined to be just around the corner, but it cannot be defined as a big change on the block. After you are thoroughly associated with WordPress uses, the next stop is to deal with WordPress 3.6. This can be well defined as a solid update, where changes can be seen in the improvement segments in the powerful CMS platform.
More about the new version
The new version of WordPress 3.6 came into being in the year 2013, and in the month of August. Even though, the folks are going to enjoy a new treat of the WordPress versions with trepidation, there is nothing to fear with the uses of this newly updated version. You can avail everything, which you always wanted with the WordPress, in this latest version on the run. This update came into being just after WordPress turned 10 in the year 2013, and you can avail some of the latest software terms, with the same. It is not likely to come up with large scale changes, as this might put the entire install base of WordPress into a chaotic situation, and this might cause some serious headaches.
Some fantastic fixes on the run
If you start browsing through the internet, you will come across some fantastic fixes along with refinements, which will help the site owners as well as the bloggers across the entire board section. Moreover, you can even enjoy the liberty to land up with better post saving auto functions, along with revisions and file locking segments. In case you have come across any such situation, when the browser is going to crash down or you have accidently closed the WordPress browser tab, only the 3.6 version can turn out to be your best helping hand. You can enjoy the best local storage posts while working on them, on the go.
Other beneficial aspects to deal with
With the help of the WordPress 3.6 version, you do not have to worry about your posts getting lost. Even if you go offline suddenly, you will find your post in the exact place just as you have left it after you have come online. For those people who have to work on the posts with others, WordPress will make sure that others will not be able to edit the post, when you are working on it. Moreover, you can even get rid of the user, who has left the post open and left the medium. When the main aim is related with revising posts, 3.6 have come across some polish and attention and you need to compare the post versions, for your own betterment.
Going beyond the drafting measurements
According to maximum sites, you might have to take help of the modicum, related with the approval procedures. This is surely going to ensure a post quality related with the best quality. In previous editions, the users were not given with too much flexibility and the editors cannot come up with changes so often. Now, with the advent of the latest version of WordPress of 3.6, there is a better result, related with post status and this might include support for various types like need reviews, in progress and different other publishing status.
A theme dependent feature
While dealing with WordPress 3.6, the object is going to be theme dependent and you are asked to build the themes in the proper manner, for the same result. Moreover, it can also give rise to some powerful themes along with additional plugins, to work in your favor. This is sure to bring a modicum related with the workflow of the editors, into the zone of WordPress. On the other hand, the post formats are also improved after making these standards in nature. These are mostly theme based product of the WordPress development. Moreover, this can also be defined as a segment of Tumblr-esque features, related with the CMS.
Focusing towards the roadmap
In the field of 3.6 WordPress, there are various sections related with the post editors and it could be better to choose different post formats, when you are planning to edit a post. In majority section, the theme developers make it a point to take help of post formats, which are related with cool features along with proper uses of post formats. With more uses among the masses, the developers are going to get proper help of the customer friendly objectives, which in turn, is going to help the developers to come up with some other latest variations.
No Plug ins for the video and audio players
This can be defined as another major point for the users who are planning to take help of WordPress 3.6 version. Apart from using media tool related with creating a proper link associated with a podcast or video, you can try and take help of the built-in media players to come with the WordPress version. This is going to embed the file and it is going to make the post playable. This can turn out to be a huge boon to those, who are planning to sell their video and audio content, video bloggers and also some podcasters.
Menus will be an inevitable option
When the menus are related with the WordPress version of 3.6, you can easily take help of a real tool, which can be used for developing the websites. Maximum updates related with this segment are yet to be released with the main aim to make this platform a faster one of the lot. Not only faster, but with this solid base, the platform is going to be stable, as well.
New theme on the run
With the help of WordPress 3.6, the new theme of twenty thirty is a default program, which will be directed well with no sidebars, bold colors and more. With so many reliable features on the run, the use of WordPress 3.6 is increasing, at a fast pace.