Health Care

How To Get Six-Pack Abs: Best Exercises To Try

It takes significant effort to get six-pack abs. All fitness experts and those who have been successful in obtaining these abs can confirm this. To many, it is all about being consistent in exercising, diet and enhancement supplements as basics. But it is highly recommended to focus on workouts more because they are the main contributors to gaining six-pack abs. For now, let us talk about the best workouts that you need to get the abs of your dreams.


Weightlifting workouts are the main way to get your dream six-pack abs. So, this should take much of your time during a workout session. If you do not have a well-equipped gym at home, it is recommended that you join one. You also get to enjoy the guidance of a professional trainer.

  • Barbell bench press – it targets the abdominal muscles, arms and shoulders. If you use enhancement gear to boost your dumbbell bench press workouts, you can get more info from the web.
  • Barbell deadlift – this is another exercise you should not miss on your workout schedule. The main target is your abdominal muscles. But you have to start with a lighter weight and graduate to more weight over time.
  • Triceps press – here is another weightlifting workout that you can complete. Use a dumbbell press over your shoulders as much as possible to stretch both the core muscles and the abdominal muscles.

Cardio Workouts

Probably, you have seen people with six-pack abs sprinting, using the skipping rope, battle rope or even running on a treadmill. Cardio workouts are excellent because they increase the heart rate and reduce belly fat. Thus, you can incorporate them into your weekly schedule. Performing some of the cardio workouts as a warmup before lifting weights is an excellent idea.

Body Workouts

Even without any equipment or with basic equipment, it is possible to achieve excellent abs within a short time. The aim is to target the torso area, especially the abdominal muscles.

  • Sit-ups – these military-grade workouts are considered to be endurance workouts for the abdominal muscles. All you need is simple support on your feet so that you can start moving the upper body up and down. If you perform 3 sets of 15 reps every day, you will be many steps closer to getting your ideal abs.
  • Leg raise workouts – they also target the abdominal muscles, and you do not need any equipment to do this. Aim to perform 3 sets of leg raise exercises in every workout session.
  • Pull-ups – if you have a high bar to hold on to for support, you can engage in pull-ups because they build abs very fast. Do as many as you can. Reduce the number as you complete subsequent sets to minimize the risk of injuries.


If these exercises are included in your weekly workout program, you will be amazed by the results that will follow if you are consistent in doing them. They will transform your physique and strength. It is time to take your workout routine to the next level.




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