
When Do You Need Drainage CCTV and How Does it Work?

If a drain becomes blocked, one of the most important parts of the clearing process is identifying the root cause of the block and its location.

Drainage CCTV saves both time and money and allows for blocked drains to be cleared more efficiently and with minimal disruption. But how does this service work and when is it needed?

What is drainage CCTV and how is it operated?

Drainage CCTV is not like security CCTV. Rather, drainage CCTV involves a very small camera which is attached to a flexible stretch of pipe and fed into a blocked drain in search of the blockage or damage.

The camera directly feeds a visual report back to a monitor above ground, giving professional drain specialists a live feed on exactly how the inside of the pipe looks. Once the blockage has been identified, a full report can be created and presented to the homeowner or building manager, informing them of the necessary work to clear or repair the block/damage, and supporting any insurance claim they may need to make.

When does a project require drainage CCTV?

Now that we know a bit more about how drainage CCTV is operated, let’s consider the necessity of this step in a drain unblocking process.

Typically, drainage CCTV is used when a blockage is difficult to pinpoint, or when drainage specialists are concerned that a pipe may have undergone some damage as a result of a blockage. By providing remote access and full visibility of the issue, CCTV makes it possible to assess the damage and determine a repair quote prior to excavation and repair work being undertaken. In many cases, this is a huge cost-saving exercise for homeowners and building managers and can make it easier to claim insurance with thorough inspection reports.

What’s more, innovative CCTV cameras including crawler units now make it easier than ever to traverse U-bends and complex pipe networks, meaning that no blockage or stretch of damaged pipe is too difficult to find and assess.

All of this means that drainage repair specialists are able to go into each job with a thorough understanding of the issue, enabling faster and more effective repairs.

Finding a reputable company to provide CCTV services

Next time you recognise the signs of a blocked drain, be it the unpleasant aroma, slow-draining plug holes, or the gurgling pipes, a CCTV survey might make it possible to identify and diagnose the issue before undertaking the right repair work.

If you aren’t sure on the next steps to get your plumbing back to full working order, get in touch with your local drain unblocking professionals – who will be able to advise on how best to unblock and maintain your drains.

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