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Different Pre-Wedding And Post-Wedding Rituals That Take Place In A Christian Wedding.

Pre-wedding rituals are those rituals that are held before the wedding ceremony whereas post-wedding rituals are those rituals that take place after the wedding ceremony. Some of the wedding rituals that take place at a Christian wedding are mentioned as follows:

  • Matchmaking: This is the first part of the Christian wedding ceremony. This is a custom in Christian wedding in which it is seen that whether the boy and girl are compatible with each other or not. After this ceremony engagement takes place.

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  • Engagement: Engagement is the most important ritual of a Christian wedding. The groom offers the ring to the bride whereas the bride offers to the groom. The engagement ring is worn in the ring figure of the left hand. The engagement ceremony was the ritual that was first started in a Christian wedding.
  • Bachelor’s Party: Bachelor’s party is a party that is given the groom’s friend to the groom. Bachelor’s party is a party that is done just one day before the wedding. This is a party in which only the boys allowed. This party is done for the groom so that he can celebrate the last day before the wedding. Bachelor’s party is usually done in a resort, club etc.
  • Showering of Bride: This is the type of party that is done at the bride’s house. All the female members gather at bride’s place and shower her with all the essential items needed by her after the marriage such as money, dresses, jewelry etc. the mother-in-law of the bride is also invited to this ceremony. This ceremony is followed by the Roce ceremony.
  • Roce ceremony: This is a ceremony that takes place one day before the wedding. This is a ceremony in which the bride and groom are applied oil on their bodies which is followed by coconut oil, milk. Roce etc. This is a ritual similar to haldi ritual in Hindu and Sikh wedding. After Roce ceremony wedding takes place.

These above mentioned are the pre-wedding rituals of a Christian wedding. In a Christian wedding, all the members gather in a Church and read bible after that the father ask the bride and groom “Whether they are happy for this marriage”. After this the marriage is complete.

  • Goodbye of the bride: This is a ritual in which the bride is sent to the groom’s house in a well-decorated car. After that, she is welcomed by her mother-in-law to her new house.
  • Reception: This is a party that is given by the groom’s family. Only the grooms’ family members, friends, and relatives are invited to this party. The family of the bride and friends are also invited to this ceremony.

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After-wedding party: This is a party that is given to the bride and groom on the first day after the wedding. This is a party given to the bride and groom by their friends. These are some of the post-wedding rituals of Christian wedding.

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